Camp's Managed Forest Plan

Camp NeeKauNis has been accepted into the Ontario Government’s Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP).  The goals of MFTIP are fair property taxation for forest owners that manage their forest, the promotion of the maintenance and enhancement of healthy forests, and promotion of landowner awareness and education about forest management.

This program means that Camp NeeKauNis has prepared an approved Managed Forest Plan.  In creating a Managed Forest Plan for our property, we have said that we will construct and maintain a modest system of trails through our woods in order to ensure the health of the trees and the preservation of wildlife habitat. Our trails will enable the removal of deadwood for firewood as well as allowing for programming to educate campers about our particular natural environment and those creatures who share it with us.

In the coming years we hope to find out more about the trees that make up our woods, the habitats they provide, the animals who reside there, and the other plants that exist on our property. We hope to label and describe trees and other lasting natural features along our trails, and to print material about Camp’s natural environment.

The knowledge we gain will be shared with other visitors who come to Camp.  We hope that activities such as nature walks on our trail system, work projects to help manage the woods, and children’s programmes on identifying wildflowers, trees, and birds, can inspire people to care about Camp’s environment and to participate in maintaining it.