All good things for you and yours as we close 2023. Thank you for a wonderful Camp Year! So much has happened and the Camp NeeKauNis Steering Committee looks forward to letting you all know about our news for 2024.
Camp NeeKauNis is now a four-season destination and in 2023 many of you took advantage of staying at Camp House in the winter. We are offering the Camp House for short stays again this winter and early spring (including rough tenting opportunities) and you can contact our Camp Administrator at to inquire about your booking.
The Physical Development crew starts each year with a walk-about to begin flagging repairs and starting routine opening tasks. We were delighted to have so many Friends of Camp join us for 2023 Camp Opening Weekend in May and Dock Weekend in June to start our spring and summer of on a solid footing. During the summer we had many returning groups and were blessed to host a wedding in August of two former campers! We are working on our summer 2024 schedule, including Children and Youth Camps, and some groups have already booked and are on our calendar. Dock Removal Weekend in September and Closing Weekend in October were also successful thanks to the involvement of so many of you!
Our biggest piece of news to share is that Camp NeeKauNis will be hosting, for the first time, our Annual Gathering of Canadian Friends (Quakers) from July 24 to July 31, being arranged by our national Quaker body. You can find out more here. Camp currently planning a series of special maintenance project needs through out the season spurred on by this wonderful event.
We are fortunate to be stewards of this land and in times of nature deficits, climate change grief, and recovery from spiritual isolation, we feel our responsibility as a keen joy. Please share in our joyous work. Here is a link. We always need lifeguards and cook staff.
We thank Samuel Rogers Memorial Trust for its continued financial help and its support of the work of Camp NeeKauNis. Donations are always welcome and information on how to donate can be found here.
With thanks and in hope,
Camp NeeKauNis Steering CommitteeCanadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.